What happened?

Some of you may have wondered what happened to braukaiser.com between April 1st and April 6th. Well, I forgot to check the e-mail account associated with that domain and let my domain name expire. After the initial shock, which included the fear that I lost my rights to that name, I realized that it was simply a matter of paying the renewal fee and getting braukaiser.com to point to my hosting account again.

Everything should be running just fine again and I can also receive e-mails from my braukaiser.com account. This certainly taught me a lesson about staying on top of these administrative tasks.

5 thoughts on “What happened?

    • The next big project is fining time for brewing and brewing science again. I’m currently buried in work from my day job and chores around the house. But that tends to come and go.

  1. Glad you got it all fixed. I love to come here and get the german side of brewing. Hopefully work slows for you so you can get back to brewing. Kepp up the good work! It is greatly appreciated!

    • I will. For now I have to finish a Zymurgy article that I promised to write. Is it still a hobby when you have to worry about deadlines? 😉

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