Experiment Pitching Rate and Oxygenation

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Esters are an important component of the aroma of German wheat beers. Common home brewing knowledge lists pitching rate and level of oxigenation as important factors that effect the level of esters that are produced during fermentation. While it is commonly believed among home breweres that lower pitching rates result in higher ester levels, the literature reports that increased pitching rates lead to higher levels of esters. This experiment is designed to evaluate the affect of oxygen levels and yeast pitching rate on the ester production.


Esters are formed through a condensation reaction between an alcohol and an acid [Wikipedia]. In brewing, 2 major processes exist in which esters are formed. During intra cellular ester formation, the yeast's metabolism produces esters through enzymatic reactions. But esters can also be formed by a simple condensation reaction between an organic acid and an alcohol. But due to the slow reaction rate, this form of esterformation doesn't play a role in primary fermentation and produces significant results only after extended aging (12+ weeks) [Hermann 2005][Narziss 2005]. This ester formation during aging is responsible for the dark fruit notes of aged beers. But more interesting for the brewer is the ester production during the primary fermentation.

During Fermentation pyruvic acid, an intermediate product of the pathway that leads to alcohol, is reduced to oxalacetate and then to acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA is the basis for a host of compounds including sterols for cell wall construction and esters [Noonan 1996]. All authors agree that increased biomass production (creation of cell walls) reduces the Acetyl CoA that is available for ester production and leads to reduced ester levels in the beer [Narziss 2005, Clone, Walsh, Noonan 1996, Fix 1999]. Differences however exist with respect to ester production and yeast growth. Fix [Fix 1999] writes that any increased activity on the acetyl CoA branch, i.e. yeast growth, will increase ester production while other authors [Narziss 2005, Clone] state that increased yeast growth leads to a decrease in esters since more of the acetyl CoA is used for sterol synthesis.

The following is a list of the factors that are known to affect the ester production:

  • Yeast stain: the choice of yeast strain has a significant impact on the easter production. But according to Narziss is a yeast strains ability to form esters strongly dependent on the wort composition and high ester levels in one type of wort are not necessarily an indocation that the same strain will also produce high levels of esters in another wort [Narziss 1983 via Hermann 2005].
  • availability of oxygen: It has been shown that increased oxygenation rates can lower the amount of esters produced by yeast [Narziss 2005, Noonan 1996, Fix 1999]. This has been explained by the increased production of biomass. When free oxygen is available, the acyl CoA is more likely to be used for the production of sterols and the amount available for ester production will be reduced.
  • Double batch (German: Drauflassen): As noted earlier, any process that keeps the yeast in the growth phase decreased ester production. One of these methods is the Drauflassen or double batch brewing. A fresh batch of aerated wort is added to the fermenter when the previous batch is at high kraeusen. This can be done multiple times and the continued yeast growth will reduce the amount acyl CoA that can be used for ester formation [Narziss 2005].
  • Temperature: Higher fermentation temperatures are known to increase the production of fermentation byproducts including esters. Some authors have explained this with increased yeast metabolism. Saerens et. al. [Saerens 2007] gives this explanation "According to Suomaleinen [Suomalainen 1981], an increase in the fermentation temperature releases higher levels of esters through more efficient excretion and/or enhanced autolysis of the yeast. An effect of the temperature on the thermodynamic equilibrium of ester solubility in cellular lipids and the aqueous medium is another possibly more likely explanation". But it should be noted that the effect of temperature on the ester production is different between yeast strains and also vary between the types of esters that are produced [Hermann 2005]
  • pressure: Even though increased CO2 pressure leads to the retardation of yeast growth, it has been shown to reduce the amount of esters that are produced. The increased CO2 pressure is affecting the synthesis of acetyl CoA which results in retarded yeast growth and lower ester production [Hermann 2005]. This shows that if yeast growth is slowed by reduces acetyl CoA levels, the ester production will not be increased.
  • pitching rate: Higher yeast pitching rates lead to increased ester levels in the beer [Hermann 2005]. This statement conflicts with common home brewer knowledge [Fix 1999], that underpitching leads to less clean fermentations. According to Narziss, increased ester production is a result of the reduced yeast growth that results from high pitching rates.
  • FAN levels: It has been shown that

Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion



[Clone 1] Danstar FAQ: Yeast Growth
[Wikipedia] Wikipedia: Ester
[Hermann 2005] M. Hermann, Entstehung und Beeinflussung qualitätsbestimmender Aromastoffe bei der Herstellung von Weißbier, Dissertation, Technical University Munich, 2005
[Walsh] A. Walsh, Ester Formation, www.brewery.org
[Noonan, 1996] Gregory J. Noonan, New Brewing Lager Beer, Brewers Publications, Boulder CO, 1996
[Narziss, 2005] Prof. Dr. agr. Ludwig Narziss, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Back, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Fakultaet fuer Brauwesen, Weihenstephan), Abriss der Bierbrauerei. WILEY-VCH Verlags GmbH Weinheim Germany, 2005
[Fix, 1999] George J. Fix Ph.D, Principles of Brewing Science, Brewers Publications, Boulder CO, 1999
[Saerens 2007] S. M. G. Saerens et. al., Parameters Affecting Ethyl Ester Production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during Fermentation, www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
[Suomalainen 1981] Suomalainen, H. 1981. Yeast esterases and aroma esters in alcoholic beverages. J. Inst. Brew. 87:296-300.