Vienna Malt Mash pH Surprise

Last weekend I brewed my annual Maerzen using 75% Best Malz Vienna, 20% Weyermann Munich II and 5% CaraFoam. When designing the brewing water I went by my past experiences with a similar grain bills that used Weyermann Vienna and the surprise came when I tested the mash pH. Instead of the expected 5.5o I got 5.77. I’m generally not off by that much and was doubting the pH meter until I also tested the mash pH with colorpHast strips. During the decoction the pH fell to 5.71 and I added another 2 ml 88% lactic acid to bring it down to 5.58, which I considered ok for a Maerzen. The boil pH was later reduced as well with some lactic acid.

After testing the distilled water pH of this Vienna malt I found that is was way off from the pH one would expect from a base malt slightly darker than pilsner malt. It was 5.8. Below is a chart of the distilled water mash pH for various base malt samples that is taken from my mash pH paper:

The pH is slightly higher than pale or pilsner malts and more than 0.2 pH higher than the Weyermann Vienna that I tested a while back. This goes to show that the color/pH correlation is even weaker than I thought and that one should not rely on the accuracy of color based mash pH estimations for grists that contain a mix of base malts. The color based mash pH prediction works much better for grists made of pale/pilsner base malt and a mix of specialty malts since the pH properties of the latter are more predictable.

More predictable was the amount of lactic acid that I had to add to lower the pH. With 0.32 ml per kg and 0.1 pH drop it was well within the 0.25-0.42 ml range that I show here.

The malt analysis sheet for this batch of malt reported a pH of 5.9 for the congress mash. While I noticed this I assumed that the pH of the congress mash, which is diluted to 8 l/kg towards the end, would not be that useful for predicting mash pH. In hindsight this could have been an indication for the higher than expected mash pH.

One thought on “Vienna Malt Mash pH Surprise

  1. Pingback: Vienne Malt and pre boil pH - Home Brew Forums

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