I decided to change the theme of the blog once again. I wasn’t to happy with the old theme and it also had some formatting bugs. Furthermore it wasn’t too well supported. So I decided to go with one of the standard WordPress themes. That will make maintenance and modifications much easier. The blog’s layout also looks much cleaner now. Let me know in case I broke something. One issue I know about is the missing side-bar on mobile devices. It’s actually not missing, it’s all the way at the bottom.
Looks great, you are a staple in my RSS read feeder.
Howdy, I’m a big fan of braukaiser and also a WordPress developer. I’ve been following your blog so long via RSS that I can’t remember if you were using WordPress before, but I’m working on a plugin to display homebrew recipes via BeerXML that you might be interested in. Feel free to check it out at http://wordpress.org/plugins/beerxml-shortcode/ and let me know what you think!
Cool. I started with a different blogging platform, one that was provided by my hosting provider, but moved to WP a few years ago when I realized that it is the quasi standard for blogging and extremely well supported. Your plugin looks nice. I don’t post recipes all that often unless there is something scientific to talk about but I’ll definitely keep your plugin in mind.