Welcome to This site is dedicated to brewing science and topics that are mostly related to brewing German style beers and it is not intended to be a complete reference for the home brewing process. It is a rather loose collection of various articles. Philosophy I enjoy the scientific and technological aspects brewing, which shows in the articles, and want to promote a better understanding of them as well as introduce the advanced brewer to various brewing techniques. Being an engineer I like to know what is happening and how I can control the final product and fix problems when they arise. Despite what many readers would think, I'm a fairly relaxed brewer. Some of that relaxation comes from knowing the process and knowing where attention is necessary and where not. For questions and suggestions contact kai at braukaiser dot com
There are also two blogs that I'm maintaining
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Contents[hide]What’s New
Preparation(Brewing) Science Basics
Wort Production
Boiling and Wort TransferFermentation